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Please read Before You Order before checking out and finalizing an order.

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Note: If your order cannot be processed due to a declined credit card or financial aid issue, we will hold it for a maximum of 14 business days. After that point it will be cancelled and reshelved.

Please click here for an explanation of textbook types (required, Choose One, etc.).

As mandated by federal and state textbook affordability legislation, the AACC Bookstore is required to post textbook information within 3 weeks of the receipt of an adoption from the faculty. We strive to post the most accurate information possible at all times; however, there may be situations in which the textbook information and pricing shown below may change before the start of the course without notification.

This will, at times, cause terms to be displayed on the website before we are accepting orders for those terms. In these circumstances, information and pricing will be displayed but you will be unable to place any books from those terms in your cart. Typically, for credit terms, orders will be accepted four to six weeks ahead of the first start date of the term. For continuing education terms, orders will begin to be accepted approximately two weeks before the first course of that term begins.

Textbooks purchased through the AACC Bookstore are covered by our extended refund policy. For further details, please see Student Textbook Affordability.

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